First, I kind of woke up when my alarm went off at 6:00 a.m. (remember all those early morning work-outs I’m going to do??) I think it went off for about 5 minutes while in my sleep fog I tried to figure out what was making all that racket (in my defense, when we were in Chicago for 5 days the only alarm clock I needed was Langston, who did not adjust to central time and thus, woke me up at about 5:45 every morning. At home when he wakes up before 7 he just plays in his crib, jabbering and hollering away until I go in and get him at my leisure…but since we were in a very small hotel room and his crib was not only right next to the bed but also likely near the sleeping forms of our hotel neighbors, I actually had to get up and placate him…boo.)
Anyhow, obviously I did not get up at 6:00. Bwahahahahahahaha!
I dragged myself out of bed at around 7 and started to hunt around for all the stuff I needed that was still locked away in the suitcases. Hmmmm…maybe I should have actually unpacked when we got home last night…but I was so tired…the couch was so inviting…the house seemed so big and luxurious (after very small hotel room as mentioned above)…I just want to loll around. So I paid, as I rooted through a week’s worth of junk (Why did I bring all those press kits with me? I never used even one.) to dig to the bottom of the suitcase for some clean undies.
Shower felt very refreshing.
Cuddles with Langston are always fun. His slobbery kisses just kill me.
Left for work with – and I jest not – 4 bags of crap. It’s ridiculous. I can’t even bear to tell you (nor do you want to read) all the junk I crammed in and took to work with me. That’s it…no more…this stuff is just going to have to stay there!
It was very quiet when I got to work. Post-NeoCon slow down, I guess.
I was very excited to get a free 6-pack of diet coke. Leftovers from yesterday’s employee day trip. Woo hoo! The spoils of being in the right place at the right time, I guess :)
On my lunch hour I ran to Target to do some errands. My plans to spend about $20 on diapers and diaper genie refills very quickly turned into $100…including father’s day cards (one for me to my dad, one for Langston to Jeff, and one for Jeff from me) – am I the only one who starts reading cards like this and becomes a blubbering mess??...and a father’s day gift for my dad (he got a bunch of nifty “storage solutions” which I felt were perfect gifts given that I was really struggling to come up something that he would want and also want to store in their very small apartment…so what serendipity that I had this frustrating thought right by the storage area!) Although, I was regretting how casually I threw these items into the cart when one fell out on my toe…of course I was in sandals…and it hurt white-hot. When I could finally see straight I could see that it was bleeding a little bit but only enough to whine about, not anything serious at all. But I digress. I also bought a bunch of travel snacks for my trip to Chicago this week-end to celebrate my sister’s birthday with a group of girls. And I guess maybe that’s it. Boy, $100 sure does add up fast.
This afternoon I have munched on my Jimmy John’s sandwich while I worked and desperately tried to finish my boss's rough draft presentation for his speech at the annual shareholder’s meeting on the 21st. When we met to start working on his remarks he told me that he didn’t want to do anything like a typical powerpoint presentation. He didn’t want bulleted text on a slide…he wanted only powerful graphics…a storyboard…a dramatic, artful presentation. Yeah…that’s going to be easy. Anyhow, after sweating my way through “storyboarding” his remarks (what does that even mean??) I finally got a draft off to him, legal and a design vendor I’m having buff up what I’ve done.
Cuddles with Langston are always fun. His slobbery kisses just kill me.
Left for work with – and I jest not – 4 bags of crap. It’s ridiculous. I can’t even bear to tell you (nor do you want to read) all the junk I crammed in and took to work with me. That’s it…no more…this stuff is just going to have to stay there!
It was very quiet when I got to work. Post-NeoCon slow down, I guess.
I was very excited to get a free 6-pack of diet coke. Leftovers from yesterday’s employee day trip. Woo hoo! The spoils of being in the right place at the right time, I guess :)
On my lunch hour I ran to Target to do some errands. My plans to spend about $20 on diapers and diaper genie refills very quickly turned into $100…including father’s day cards (one for me to my dad, one for Langston to Jeff, and one for Jeff from me) – am I the only one who starts reading cards like this and becomes a blubbering mess??...and a father’s day gift for my dad (he got a bunch of nifty “storage solutions” which I felt were perfect gifts given that I was really struggling to come up something that he would want and also want to store in their very small apartment…so what serendipity that I had this frustrating thought right by the storage area!) Although, I was regretting how casually I threw these items into the cart when one fell out on my toe…of course I was in sandals…and it hurt white-hot. When I could finally see straight I could see that it was bleeding a little bit but only enough to whine about, not anything serious at all. But I digress. I also bought a bunch of travel snacks for my trip to Chicago this week-end to celebrate my sister’s birthday with a group of girls. And I guess maybe that’s it. Boy, $100 sure does add up fast.
And now I’m starting to think about heading home. Auntie will be back again tonight (in her purple sunglasses I hope!) to watch Langston this evening. Jeff and I both forgot that we had agreed to go out with his mom and dad, and David and Jill to dinner and the theater tonight…I remembered like today at noon! Yikes. Jeff called to tell me that not only had he remembered about the theater tonight he had also called Auntie to save the day at the last minute (in a very funny side note, he first called Jill...who informed him that she and Dave were also going tonight...tee hee).