Well, as I sit here looking out the window at a perfectly perfect Michigan September afternoon I have to admit I’m having trouble concentrating on the task at hand. Or any task. What I really wish I was concentrating on was a book, as I sat outside in the warm – but not hot – sunshine, sipping the season’s last lemonade.
I hate this desk job.
Today I actually woke up basically ready to face the day. The windows were open, so the air was just the tiniest bit chilly, but refreshing. The hardest part was really that it was so dark – the worst part of fall.
I would like to say that I was highly motivated by my work for the day, the opportunity to contribute to helping Steelcase be the most powerful contract furniture brand in the world, or even the chance to be a loving example to the most adorable baby boy in the world. But no. What got me to throw back the covers and hop in the shower was the prospect of a morning
meeting at the Learning Center where I could get free coffee…and that someone on our team is celebrating a birthday, so there would also be free breakfast snacks. That’s a little pathetic. But hey, it worked.
Langston was playing coy and just kind of looked at me when I went to pick him up out of his crib. He was all…yeah, I’m awake, but don’t expect me to cheer for you. I got some extra delicious snuggles in before stripping him down for his shower.
He’s taken to rubbing his hands in his hair as he’s eating. That meant that last night’s cantaloupe and avocado had given him some nice matted sections to his hair. Into the shower with Jeff he goes! He actually doesn’t mind this too much – except for the part where he goes under the spray to rinse out the shampoo. But oh my word, when I grab him out of the shower with a big, fluffy towel he is irresistible. I just can’t stop myself from pinching those adorable buns and smooching the bottoms of his pink feet.
After dressing him and feeding him and throwing him back in his crib so I could finish getting ready, I turned on the Mary Poppins soundtrack. Since we play music for him at night when we put him to bed, I purposely turn on his “morning music” loud, keep the light blaring, and try for something more danceable, so as not to confuse his “cues.” Man, I should write a book or
something. It’s this kind of thoughtful parenting that is making Langston the well-adjusted child he’s become! Anyhow, whatever I play for him in the morning will be in my head for the rest of the day. So, all day I’ve been hearing “spoonful of sugar” in my head.
Work started with an intro to Second Life. Steelcase has a “store” there and one of the guys who works on this gave us an intro to not only Steelcase’s store, but the concepts behind Second Life. OK, that is whack. The fact that millions of real dollars are being spent in this “virtual life” is just crazy! But, it was pretty interesting to hear about – even if I do still wonder why we care if a bunch of freaky virtual lifer’s learn about Steelcase. But, then again, I’m old.
Mmmmm. The French Roast coffee was so good. So was the coffee cake at the birthday party. Yum, yum.
I went back to my desk to log onto the earnings conference call only to remember that I had organized a conference call of my own for the same time. OK, I’m officially a moron. Fortunately, everyone else was late, so it seemed like everything was planned. Jeesh, get it together, Hill.
Lunch was the weekly order of chili…sitting in the sun…thinking that I should have maybe just gone home and started dinner. I’m not very good at providing good, healthy meals for my family. Pretty much, the dinners have been feeble.
I went through phase of cooking crock-pot meals in an attempt to not only make a good home-cooked meal, but also to not have to come home from work and cook an entire meal. That resulted in several week’s of meals with very similar scorched, mushy, unappealing results. So, I gave up on that.
Discouragement led to many take-out meals, turkey sandwiches, jars of spaghetti sauce, and frozen pot-pies.
But I’m back, folks – with fresh enthusiasm and a new plan. I went on the Southern Living “freezables” recipe site and printed off like 10 that looked good. I figure that if every other week I make 4 meals…and eat only about 1/3 of each meal at a time and freeze the rest, then I’ve
cooked 4 meals and got 12 for my efforts!!! Pure genius, I tell you. In just a few week’s time the freezer will be packed with nutritious, delicious meals!! So…last night I made a big pan of macaroni and cheese and tonight I am planning to get home and make some meatloaf. I can’t guarantee that I will be able to maintain this energy level – but, like I said, this could be the key to one week of work yielding three weeks of meals. We’ll see.
Since it’s so beautiful out I am also hoping for a long walk with baby and husband. This time of year I feel like we can’t waste even one nice day.
I hate this desk job.
Today I actually woke up basically ready to face the day. The windows were open, so the air was just the tiniest bit chilly, but refreshing. The hardest part was really that it was so dark – the worst part of fall.
I would like to say that I was highly motivated by my work for the day, the opportunity to contribute to helping Steelcase be the most powerful contract furniture brand in the world, or even the chance to be a loving example to the most adorable baby boy in the world. But no. What got me to throw back the covers and hop in the shower was the prospect of a morning
Langston was playing coy and just kind of looked at me when I went to pick him up out of his crib. He was all…yeah, I’m awake, but don’t expect me to cheer for you. I got some extra delicious snuggles in before stripping him down for his shower.
He’s taken to rubbing his hands in his hair as he’s eating. That meant that last night’s cantaloupe and avocado had given him some nice matted sections to his hair. Into the shower with Jeff he goes! He actually doesn’t mind this too much – except for the part where he goes under the spray to rinse out the shampoo. But oh my word, when I grab him out of the shower with a big, fluffy towel he is irresistible. I just can’t stop myself from pinching those adorable buns and smooching the bottoms of his pink feet.
After dressing him and feeding him and throwing him back in his crib so I could finish getting ready, I turned on the Mary Poppins soundtrack. Since we play music for him at night when we put him to bed, I purposely turn on his “morning music” loud, keep the light blaring, and try for something more danceable, so as not to confuse his “cues.” Man, I should write a book or
Work started with an intro to Second Life. Steelcase has a “store” there and one of the guys who works on this gave us an intro to not only Steelcase’s store, but the concepts behind Second Life. OK, that is whack. The fact that millions of real dollars are being spent in this “virtual life” is just crazy! But, it was pretty interesting to hear about – even if I do still wonder why we care if a bunch of freaky virtual lifer’s learn about Steelcase. But, then again, I’m old.
Mmmmm. The French Roast coffee was so good. So was the coffee cake at the birthday party. Yum, yum.
I went back to my desk to log onto the earnings conference call only to remember that I had organized a conference call of my own for the same time. OK, I’m officially a moron. Fortunately, everyone else was late, so it seemed like everything was planned. Jeesh, get it together, Hill.
Lunch was the weekly order of chili…sitting in the sun…thinking that I should have maybe just gone home and started dinner. I’m not very good at providing good, healthy meals for my family. Pretty much, the dinners have been feeble.
I went through phase of cooking crock-pot meals in an attempt to not only make a good home-cooked meal, but also to not have to come home from work and cook an entire meal. That resulted in several week’s of meals with very similar scorched, mushy, unappealing results. So, I gave up on that.
Discouragement led to many take-out meals, turkey sandwiches, jars of spaghetti sauce, and frozen pot-pies.
But I’m back, folks – with fresh enthusiasm and a new plan. I went on the Southern Living “freezables” recipe site and printed off like 10 that looked good. I figure that if every other week I make 4 meals…and eat only about 1/3 of each meal at a time and freeze the rest, then I’ve
Since it’s so beautiful out I am also hoping for a long walk with baby and husband. This time of year I feel like we can’t waste even one nice day.
PS - it's my wedding anniversary on the 23rd -- so the photos are in honor of the blessed event!