Friday, April 25, 2008

Thursday Highlights, April 24, 2008

Well, the day started out fairly good. After Jeff woke me up on the couch (yes, the snores had once again exceeded the volume of the fan by my head and the sound protection of the ear plugs in my ears) I struggled into the shower and into my clothes (Only took two tries today! I typically have a daily clothing crisis that usually means trying on like 3 different outfits to find the one I think I hate the I had outgrown shirt #1 - shoot - but shirt #2 actually worked, so, cool.) and then back into the rainforest of a bathroom to complete my power pregnant look. I always forget that as the weather gets warmer the bathroom gets hotter and steamier...can't we both just take cold showers? the point where by June I've got a fan blowing on me and still sweat my way through "hair and make-up." There must be a better or cooler way.

Then it's time to save Langston from the torment that is hanging out in his crib while he KNOWS both his parents are up and having fun without him. His protests gain force and volume as time goes by. But, all is forgiven and he gives me a long hard snuggle...head on my shoulder, arms "tucked in", saying "mah-me...mah-me..." and then "dah-dee...dah-dee" (the little traitor!) Whoa! Skunky stinky diaper this morning! It took the curl right out of my hair! The anti-biotic he's on is doing a bit of a tatoo on his tummy and the results are in the diapers. How many more months until potty training begins???

Langston is more than happy to head out for the car, toting 2 puzzle pieces (he always has to bring one or more friends with him on his rides). He gets a little frisky on me and starts heading out to frolic in the lawn. I lure him closer by holding out his blue beaded necklace (hey, he's a metrosexual in training!) and he get's just close enough for me to pounce. Oh Langston...maybe one day this won't be true, but for now I'm more cunning, stronger and bigger! So with a few shouts (either from me or him...I can't remember) he's clamped into the seat.

Drop off goes fine as he seems willing to abandon his dear mom with the promise of cheerios (I laughed as I watched him go up to a set of chairs that were stacked 3 high, wrestle off the top chair and carry it over to the breakfast table...I forget what a macho baby I have).

Then I headed off for my last appointment with the physical therapist. She reassess me to find that while my flexibility has improved, my pain level has actually gotten worse. We both think it's because the baby is growing and putting more and more pressure on that nerve. I'm almost a little teary when I realize that there's nothing really that any of us can do about this and that more PT is not going to solve anything. I think I'm also a little depressed because while it's somewhat awkward to have the lovely, tiny Nancy pushing on my butt to relax the muscles, at least she's a paid professional and kind of HAS to do's harder to get anyone else (yes, I'm speaking to you Jeff Holquist) to push on my butt for 15 minutes. Or even 2 minutes. My poor butt.

Work was basically tomb-like. Our boss is gone and a couple people are traveling and the rest of us are apathetic. And, it's about the last gorgeous day we're going to have for awhile. I pulled Laura over and told her that we're both fools if we work from the office this afternoon. We'll see!

I then met with our vendor for our NeoCon press kits. We've worked with them for years and they wanted in the worst way to bring us lunch. So, Laura and I each got a random sandwich at our meeting. Whatever.

Then, since I "worked through lunch" I took my lunch hour and went home to quickly do some chores. Jeff and I bought one of those booth/nook dining sets off of craigslist last night. It's really nice quality and we think it will be a better solution for the random space we have to eat in now that the dining room will become the baby's room. We had not really intended to be a full on family in this house...but then the real estate market totally tanked and we decided it was a better idea to try to wait it out a little bit. So, we're having to get creative with space. needed to be moved into position and some other things moved around...vacuuming, neatening up for our Bible study group to come over tonight. I was kind of glad to get that done this afternoon because now I can come home from work and just relax for a little while with Jeff and Langston - maybe even take a walk. Even though it's windy, it is warm. Which we may not be able to say tomorrow :(

And then I headed out to the car wash for a full on cleaning of the mini-van. Pulled all the carpets out, climbed around inside, just went nuts. And oh how it sparkles! It looks just as fancy as when I bought it :) Oh Odyssey...I -heart- you!

Now I am sitting at Grand Traverse Pie Company, drinking ice water, nibbling on some apple pie (hence the desire for a pre-Bible study walk) and using their free wi-fi. I love laptops. I love working remotely. I love pie (even Felix Pie on the Cubs...he got a homerun the other night!). I've sent all my emails, updated my calendar, made some lists...and am finishing my highlights for the day.

Sorry it's been so long.