Well, I wish that I had a better day to share my stories…if I had my act together earlier I could have talked about my family vacation to Disneyworld (I don’t think that I would recommend a big trip to Disney as the ideal family vacation with a 1 year old) or my exciting adventure in New York City (launching our new product, the Walkstation, on national TV on Good Morning America)…even my crazy drive home from Chicago at 2:30 in the morning (got home at 6:30) would have been more engaging than the report of today’s activities you are about to read…but I press on regardless.

I do have to back up just a little bit to last night. I had just gotten home from Trick-or-Treating with Langston (who was a huge big sport even though he was baking like a potato in his very well-insulated costume and kept getting wedged into his car seat as we drove from stop to stop) and

after tucking him in bed I decided to call my parents and give them an update. Well, I was super cold for some reason – so I changed into my comfy clothes and started the call…well, I added an afghan…and then my fuzzy sox…and then another blanket…and I was still just one massive goose bump. When I started physically shaking and chattering I rung off. I called to Jeff who brought me a heating pad cranked up to “high” and yet I still could not get warm. This, of course, is very unlike me who finds a way to work up a sweat in the dead of winter. But, anyway…I went right to be with a fever of 101.5 under about 8” of blankets.
Now it’s this morning. The phone ringing actually woke me up. It was 9:15 and my boss was asking if I was going to make it to our 9:30 meeting. Oops. Still pretty achy – definitely sweaty -- not ready for work at all. I took my time getting ready…pausing to pop into the USA Network Law & Order: Criminal Intent marathon and watch the last 30 minutes of an episode. I only ever watch that show in re-runs, but it gets me every time!

With my hair almost dry I called my friend Tina for lunch. Her birthday was yesterday and it

had been forever since we talked.
So, our favorite place, the Red Geranium at 11:30 it was. It seemed a serendipitous choice when I saw that their special of the day was tomato soup…um, add a half grilled cheese to that and I’m in heaven! I wish that I had my full appetite back to really enjoy it…but, it was pretty tasty nonetheless. I also love stopping in at the Red Geranium because they have the Advance community newspaper there and I love the crossword puzzles in that paper, so I took the opportunity to snag one for later.
While there, our waitress gave me a catalog for some gourmet food party thing she “hosts” – is that really a legit thing to do when you are waitressing somewhere? I don’t know. I left the catalog on the table. Jeesh.
Then back at work where I tried to catch up on some things for our Diversity Forum, sending out emails to a bunch of people asking if they’d be willing to be voice-over talent for a part of the presentation and got many “witty” replies…including a guy who wonders if he can do his in the voice of Howard Cosell…everybody’s a comedian.
And fever or no (I’m not sure if I still have one) I am ROASTING!!! Shirt sticking to me…hands sweating…internal oven throwing out flames…I think I’ll go home early.
Well, I’m off to pick up my stuff at the dry cleaners (I had a coupon that expired yesterday so I

made a mad dash to the 24-hour martinizing place to make use of my $5 off before it was too late) and then home to toss Jeff’s meatloaf in the oven. For some reason he felt compelled last night to make a meatloaf for dinner tonight. When contemplating a meal choice to whip together I can’t say that meatloaf is the first thing I’d think of…but, whatever floats your boat. I also think it shows that I did not truly have the flu because if you can make it through the smell of frying onions and not barf, you must not be sick.
Finally, the day will wrap up with a Bible study at our house tonight. It is my turn to lead and this group is about to be wowed with insights into John 2. Woo hoo!
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