This morning I woke up on the couch. Jeff’s snoring had hit an ultimate low (or high, I guess) and sighing dramatically I flounced to the living room with my blanket and pillow and huffed loudly as I laid down on the couch. This high drama was wasted, however, since Jeff snored through the whole thing. But, at least it made me feel a little better. I get to sleep in an extra 15 on Wednesdays because Janice comes to the house and I get back the time it takes to get Langston to daycare. Jeff, however, doesn’t get an extra 15 because he actually has to get to work at 7:30 these days because of a sick co-worker. This morning he actually lost 15 because he was still snoring away when I went in the bedroom at 7:10 and woke him up. Oops. Well, because he was late that meant I started to run late because the whole delicate balance of the morning schedule was now out of whack.
And then Janice called to say she was going to be a few minutes late. All this insane snow we’ve been accumulating daily makes for extended commutes. This would be fine on any other Wednesday. But, I was supposed to facilitate an interview at 8:30. And it was now 8:20. Again, oops. So, she finally got there and I went flying out the door and …insert banana peel whistle sound here…fell down our snow covered front stairs. I ended up on all fours in a snow bank in our front yard. Very nice. At that point I wanted to go back in the house, lay down and cry for a few minutes. Instead, I kind of whimpered and limped to the van. I think what was mostly hurt was my pride…but I did kind of hurt my foot too and it’s been bugging me all day. But, since it was now 8:35 I didn’t have time to feel sorry for myself, I had to connect those 2 fools via my cell phone and hope the connection held.

And, I was starving. I hadn’t had time for breakfast and I thought the interview would be 30 minutes max and I could have a snack. Um, not so much. By 10:00 I was ready to eat my own arm off.
Thank you Steelcase for having a cafeteria. I went downstairs and toasted a blueberry bagel.
Next I worked some on a power point for one of the breakout sessions for this year’s Strategy Forum at work. I am not a designer. I am not a power point genius. These things are kind of hard for me to do and, in the end, produce a product that is barely above average. Not very fulfilling work.
Then it was off to lunch at Tokyo Grill. Mmmmmm…ginger hibachi….very yummy.
Then off to a meeting at the pyramid building. As NeoCon gets closer and closer there are more and more weekly meetings to get the product launches queued up. Fascinating stuff. I brought my laptop so I could surf a little bit to stay alert during the meeting.

Well I guess my plans for tonight are to put on my flannel pajama pants nearly immediately upon getting home, throw on a polar fleece pull-over, fuzzy sock and earmuffs (if necessary)….build a fire in the fireplace and watch American Idol and Project Runway. Perhaps I will also cuddle my young son for as long as he’ll let me…and maybe occasionally hold my husband’s hand….if I can pry it off the mac. Is it really only Wednesday???
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