-There is really nothing better than those malted milk eggs they sell at Easter.
-Langston doesn’t really enjoy going in to get his picture taken. I kind of think it’s that he feels he’s grown too
sophisticated in his tastes for trips to JC Penney – so, next time I may try Walmart just to show him that it can get worse and he should just suck it up and stop being such a snob.
-After all the snow melts, your lawn and yard look really, really gross. I didn’t realize, for instance, that under all the snow in the backyard was a big empty Kirkland diaper wipes box. I was blissfully unaware it was there all winter, but now that it’s all exposed, I think the neighbors will expect me to actually dispose of it.
-Those city trash containers you can get are really awesome. And the secret of getting Jeff to enjoy dealing with the trash. He now gleefully trots out there all during the week with little random trashes chortling every time how much he loves the new curby. Before, he used to weep tears of bitterness as he grimly gathered up the trash on trash day literally minutes before the truck was due to arrive.
-There’s no better way to start Easter Sunday than going into Langston’s room first thing in the morning and bellowing out the old hymns of my childhood – Up From the Grave He Arose…and Christ the Lord is Risen Today. He listened politely and even applauded and gave me a “yay!” when I was done. He’s such a nice kid.
-No matter how many new varieties of day planners I have tried in search of perfection, about this time every year I will realize that the one I’ve got “isn’t it either.”
-Any time that it takes an hour to get from Woodland Mall to the stupid Applebee’s on the Beltline you know that you’ve just crossed over some kind of very scary line. Stupid snow storm! Stupid traffic! Stupid me for soldiering on to actually go through with this utter waste of time, when anyone with the brains God gave a goose would have turned back.
-Those new refrigerator pickles that Jeff got are really addictively yummy. Langston agrees.
-It appears that my butt doesn’t like to be pregnant. I got sciatica with my first pregnancy and it has roared back again with the second. Many people get pregnancy sciatica in their legs or back…I am one of the outliers who actually gets a nearly constant burning/piercing pain deep within the butt-cheek…making it quite literal when I say that pregnancy is a pain in the butt.
-I just realized that my dentist is really pretty. I went and got my teeth cleaned this week and when she came in I was kind of blown away. Of course she’s younger than me and also much cuter. When I told Jeff that I had just noticed today how pretty Dr. Dial is, he said…You just noticed that?? Apparently I am slower on the up-take. No wonder Jeff never complains about going to the dentist any more.
-To Langston, raisons are crack cocaine.
-In Jeff’s warped, geek-like mind he has come up with some kind of home-computer network-bridge device that, when completed, will enable us to save our TiVo’d programs onto the network and download them to our Ipods. I didn’t even know what to say, except that sometimes my husband is really smart.
-If you’re feeling sick to your stomach, eating over-easy eggs will only make you feel worse…much worse.
-Getting a mismarked bottle of contact lens cleaner for 6.99 instead of the 11.99 usually charged makes me feel really rich.
-If I get up early and think I have all the time in the world to get ready for work, I will end up late. If I oversleep by half an hour and tear around like a freak, I will usually leave for work right on time.
-There’s nothing that feels much better than getting our tax return checks!
-There’s nothing that spends faster than our tax return checks!
-No matter how many times I clean my bathroom, it will need to be cleaned again.
-If both Jeff and I are sick with the very same virus, believe me when I say that Jeff is sicker.
-Langston doesn’t really enjoy going in to get his picture taken. I kind of think it’s that he feels he’s grown too

-After all the snow melts, your lawn and yard look really, really gross. I didn’t realize, for instance, that under all the snow in the backyard was a big empty Kirkland diaper wipes box. I was blissfully unaware it was there all winter, but now that it’s all exposed, I think the neighbors will expect me to actually dispose of it.
-Those city trash containers you can get are really awesome. And the secret of getting Jeff to enjoy dealing with the trash. He now gleefully trots out there all during the week with little random trashes chortling every time how much he loves the new curby. Before, he used to weep tears of bitterness as he grimly gathered up the trash on trash day literally minutes before the truck was due to arrive.
-There’s no better way to start Easter Sunday than going into Langston’s room first thing in the morning and bellowing out the old hymns of my childhood – Up From the Grave He Arose…and Christ the Lord is Risen Today. He listened politely and even applauded and gave me a “yay!” when I was done. He’s such a nice kid.
-No matter how many new varieties of day planners I have tried in search of perfection, about this time every year I will realize that the one I’ve got “isn’t it either.”
-Any time that it takes an hour to get from Woodland Mall to the stupid Applebee’s on the Beltline you know that you’ve just crossed over some kind of very scary line. Stupid snow storm! Stupid traffic! Stupid me for soldiering on to actually go through with this utter waste of time, when anyone with the brains God gave a goose would have turned back.
-Those new refrigerator pickles that Jeff got are really addictively yummy. Langston agrees.
-It appears that my butt doesn’t like to be pregnant. I got sciatica with my first pregnancy and it has roared back again with the second. Many people get pregnancy sciatica in their legs or back…I am one of the outliers who actually gets a nearly constant burning/piercing pain deep within the butt-cheek…making it quite literal when I say that pregnancy is a pain in the butt.
-I just realized that my dentist is really pretty. I went and got my teeth cleaned this week and when she came in I was kind of blown away. Of course she’s younger than me and also much cuter. When I told Jeff that I had just noticed today how pretty Dr. Dial is, he said…You just noticed that?? Apparently I am slower on the up-take. No wonder Jeff never complains about going to the dentist any more.
-To Langston, raisons are crack cocaine.
-In Jeff’s warped, geek-like mind he has come up with some kind of home-computer network-bridge device that, when completed, will enable us to save our TiVo’d programs onto the network and download them to our Ipods. I didn’t even know what to say, except that sometimes my husband is really smart.
-If you’re feeling sick to your stomach, eating over-easy eggs will only make you feel worse…much worse.
-Getting a mismarked bottle of contact lens cleaner for 6.99 instead of the 11.99 usually charged makes me feel really rich.
-If I get up early and think I have all the time in the world to get ready for work, I will end up late. If I oversleep by half an hour and tear around like a freak, I will usually leave for work right on time.
-There’s nothing that feels much better than getting our tax return checks!
-There’s nothing that spends faster than our tax return checks!
-No matter how many times I clean my bathroom, it will need to be cleaned again.
-If both Jeff and I are sick with the very same virus, believe me when I say that Jeff is sicker.
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