I don’t know if you heard but we had a huge snow storm on Wednesday! It was totally fun and for some reason filled me with unwarranted happiness as I drove home in it from work. Once I got home I was compelled to take Langston outside with me. I thought I might shovel the walk and maybe part of the driveway…I just felt inspired. Probably because I am a new parent and always think that I’m doing something wrong, I had not really taken him out for snow frolicking. But Wednesday I just had to do it. Well…he LOVED it! He was literally spinning in circles giggling. It was very cute. He ate the snow…he blew on it…he sat in it…he punched it…he caught snowflakes in his mouth…he marveled at the neighbor’s snow blower…he got soaking wet and freezing cold and still bawled when I brought him in the house. It was probably the first time that I’ve seen a glimpse of how fun it is going to be to really play with him as a kid. It was probably THE highlight of the week.
My friend brought a blueberry cobbler over for our Bible study on Thursday and it was AMAZING! It was at least half cobbler…which I am a total sucker for. And there was even ice cream to put on top. I was in heaven….cobbler heaven.

I was invited/mandated to attend an all day meeting with an advertising/marketing firm that is going to be handling the messaging and collateral on our new product launches. I didn’t have a problem accepting…I mean, nobody looks forward to an all day meeting…but it did seem like I needed to be there. Then I found out that the meeting is in SANTA MONICA!!!! Oh baby. I’m not sure anything at my job has ever made me happier. I have been so bummed and depressed this winter and there really wasn’t a way presenting itself for Jeff and I to have a little sunshine escape and remain within our “do not exceed” budget. So, we checked and Jeff can get a free airline ticket from some frequent flyer miles he had…and with me being out there for work we will only have to cover 1 night’s hotel. It will be a very quick trip…but so incredibly nice to be in the sun for even a little while.
I heard from my very random hair stylist that he had changed styling locations. You may or may not know that my relationship with this guy began about a year ago when, downtown dropping off some reporter at the Amway and filled with despair, I thought to myself, if I encounter a hair salon between here and home I’m just going in and getting my hair cut. Well…I happened upon this place and they took me as a walk-in and I’d been working with Eddie ever since. I always felt like he was perhaps one hair cut away from being homeless. His stories were always very alarming and entailed things like chauffering someone who had lost their license due to a DUI because they would let him use the car and he couldn’t afford one of his own…or sleeping in someone’s closet because the rent was cheaper. I really felt like I had no choice but to keep going to him. Plus, he gave a pretty good cut. Well…my ill advised decision to grow my hair out one

more time had left me lank, aged, depressed, totally lacking in sass. So, when I heard from him that he had switched salons but was moving but was also available to cut my hair…well, I gave him a call back and scheduled a life changing cut. Turns out that he is no longer working at the old place and trying to get out of his new place and possibly moving to another city…and the long and short of it is…could I just come to his house for the cut. Well…of course I can. So, I headed to the house he shares with like 8 other people and was met with a kitchen chair alone in the center of the dining area…next to it…a single pair of scissors, a comb, and a cape. I washed my hair in his sink (although he did offer to shampoo it for me…that just felt way weird in an already sketchy situation) and he commenced cutting. There was a lot of “stand up,” “turn this way,” “sit down”…cause, you know, it was just a kitchen chair. Then there were the stories of how he had lost his last job at the salon because they thought he was stealing…and how they were now telling all his clients that he was a cocaine addict…and, oh Eddie. Oh my. And, of course, there was also no mirror. So, I had no idea how this mood altering, whole new ‘do was coming along. He went upstairs to retrieve a hair dryer and some aqua net hair spray (his own?) and commenced styling. Of course he told me that when I do this at home I should definitely use a round brush and some product…but “Lucky you…I can do this without all that…” Anyhow, this other random

guy came in toward the end, waiting for his cut, and he assured me that it was looking “very nice” …as only a random 50 year old man sitting in some strange guy’s living room watching a stranger get styled could say. Well, I walked over to the hall door, where a mirror was mounted, and actually liked what I saw. He did a great job! It is a whole new me! Although Eddie assured me that even after he moved he would likely be coming back every month or so for his clients here…I just sense that this was perhaps our last strange encounter.
So, those are the highlights for the week.
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