Well, the morning started early. Way too early. I had an 8 o’clock meeting that I was leading across town and I also needed to pick up some things for it on the way. So, I ended up at headquarters at 7:15 and then wanted to stop and pick up some pastries for the meeting on my way there. When I was about 10 minutes from my final destination, I got a call from Brad. He had heard from 2 other people that they couldn’t come to the meeting now and should we just cancel. Um…hello…I got myself to work at o’dark-thirty and picked up treats and we are DEFINITELY having this meeting. I was also kind of peeved that these people didn’t let me know – since I was the meeting convener. I just thought it was rude. But, the meeting proceeded with those who could attend and it actually went very well. A reschedule with the other 2 people is now on for next week. But I’m not bringing treats. Ha.
Then it was back to headquarters and one of the worst discoveries I’ve ever made at work. It nearly devastated me. My heart was in my throat and for the first time in 8 years I seriously considered quitting my job. It was Sherrie who broke the news to me: our favorite website, televisionwithoutpity had been blocked by our IT department. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! What will I do now with my lazy afternoons? The long, boring summer? Ack! My favorite work time waster is now gone. In a total fit of hysteria I wrote to Jeff to tell him that I might have to quit my job. His “don’t panic” email gave me several suggestions of how he might help me beat the man and live to indulge my time waster again. I can only hope. Really.
I lost all motivation to go out to lunch and ended up just reading a book downstairs in the cafeteria. But not before I had gone out and moved my car to a better parking space. I’m just that petty.
After lunch I looked out the window and despaired at the snow. Spent a few more minutes wondering how long it will be until summer…I settled on about a year.
Long meeting followed where I was told that the VP of a certain department was really struggling to come up with a viable global strategy for his area and that maybe as his communications person I could work with him and help him develop one. My answer: Um…he’s a VP making like 5 times what I make…can’t he come up with his own strategy for his own department? Good grief.
Even though the afternoon crept by, eventually it was time to go get the little boy. I stopped first at Ludema’s floral to get some flowers for my sister, from Langston. It was PACKED!! And was apparently being highly promoted on the local Hispanic radio station. They were doing a live remote and the place was full of Mexican guys. And also full of incredibly overpriced flowers. Jeesh. What a rip off Valentine’s Day is. I decided instead to get her a flowering plant, which was less than half of the price of the cheapest vase of roses.
Then it was on to CVS. I wanted to get a couple of valentine’s candies for my friend's kids when they came over after dinner. I have never seen such bare shelves! I had no idea how much people bought for valentine’s day…there was literally tumbleweed blowing down the aisles! I found a couple of sad strawberry cream hearts…who even knows if they’ll like them…but it was either that or the one last bag of store-brand conversation hearts. Oh good…they also had one last coconut cream heart too…my favorite! Sure, I’ll be my valentine!
Then I picked up Langston from daycare. He just looked beat! Apparently the wild valentine’s party just did him in. And, if his clothes were any indication, there was a significant amount of candy involved as well…so, I think I caught him during his sugar crash. Did I mention Langston’s hair? Yeah, last week I noticed his hair was getting pretty long and so I just trimmed it quickly
back over his ears…giving him…yes, a mullet. I had no idea what I was doing! Poor little guy is “this close” to having a rat tail hanging down his back. That’s it…he MUST get a real hair cut this week-end! Otherwise people are going to start calling him Jimmy Bob, and that’s just not acceptable :)
I got home planning to make something really simple – omelets and fruit salad. Yeah, over an hour later I was still chopping fruit! Why must it be so hard to eat healthy food??? So, my “simple” meal ended up dirtying just about every knife, cutting board, aluminum bowl in the house and it took about an hour and a half to make. Sigh. But the fruit was really good. At least there was that.
Then everyone started arriving for Bible study. I lit a quick paper log in the fireplace (it’s nice even for the effect), Jeff got the coffee started, and I heard from my friend that there was a “lice incident” with her daughter – several girls from school all got it…including her. Oops. It brought back my own lice incidents from childhood. I was a repeat offender…or carrier…or victim…whatever. I remember that my parents discovered it once when we were up north…since we were quite a ways from a town they decided to go with the old fashioned remedy….wait for it…kerosene. Yes…they doused their small child with a can of kerosene. Imagine how nice that felt on a flea-bitten scalp! And massaged through my waist length hair. Good grief…there are camp fires up there! What if a stray spark had ventured near – my whole head would have exploded!!! And sometimes I doubt if I’M a good parent.
So, I involuntarily shuddered for a couple minutes and then it was on to more chatting and then to more serious topics.
Once everyone left and I got the place cleaned up and Jeff & I had finished watching Survivor (OK, it’s our one guilty pleasure…so sue us!) I decided that I missed my son. So, I went and pulled him out of bed (still sound asleep) and spent some time rocking him. He’s such a big boy! It’s a lot different rocking a 30+ pound toddler. But still so sweet. He just smacked his lips and sighed and snored and fidgeted and at one point broke into this huge smile.
And then some reading for me and off to bed. All in all a good day.
Then it was back to headquarters and one of the worst discoveries I’ve ever made at work. It nearly devastated me. My heart was in my throat and for the first time in 8 years I seriously considered quitting my job. It was Sherrie who broke the news to me: our favorite website, televisionwithoutpity had been blocked by our IT department. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! What will I do now with my lazy afternoons? The long, boring summer? Ack! My favorite work time waster is now gone. In a total fit of hysteria I wrote to Jeff to tell him that I might have to quit my job. His “don’t panic” email gave me several suggestions of how he might help me beat the man and live to indulge my time waster again. I can only hope. Really.
I lost all motivation to go out to lunch and ended up just reading a book downstairs in the cafeteria. But not before I had gone out and moved my car to a better parking space. I’m just that petty.
After lunch I looked out the window and despaired at the snow. Spent a few more minutes wondering how long it will be until summer…I settled on about a year.
Long meeting followed where I was told that the VP of a certain department was really struggling to come up with a viable global strategy for his area and that maybe as his communications person I could work with him and help him develop one. My answer: Um…he’s a VP making like 5 times what I make…can’t he come up with his own strategy for his own department? Good grief.
Even though the afternoon crept by, eventually it was time to go get the little boy. I stopped first at Ludema’s floral to get some flowers for my sister, from Langston. It was PACKED!! And was apparently being highly promoted on the local Hispanic radio station. They were doing a live remote and the place was full of Mexican guys. And also full of incredibly overpriced flowers. Jeesh. What a rip off Valentine’s Day is. I decided instead to get her a flowering plant, which was less than half of the price of the cheapest vase of roses.
Then it was on to CVS. I wanted to get a couple of valentine’s candies for my friend's kids when they came over after dinner. I have never seen such bare shelves! I had no idea how much people bought for valentine’s day…there was literally tumbleweed blowing down the aisles! I found a couple of sad strawberry cream hearts…who even knows if they’ll like them…but it was either that or the one last bag of store-brand conversation hearts. Oh good…they also had one last coconut cream heart too…my favorite! Sure, I’ll be my valentine!
Then I picked up Langston from daycare. He just looked beat! Apparently the wild valentine’s party just did him in. And, if his clothes were any indication, there was a significant amount of candy involved as well…so, I think I caught him during his sugar crash. Did I mention Langston’s hair? Yeah, last week I noticed his hair was getting pretty long and so I just trimmed it quickly

I got home planning to make something really simple – omelets and fruit salad. Yeah, over an hour later I was still chopping fruit! Why must it be so hard to eat healthy food??? So, my “simple” meal ended up dirtying just about every knife, cutting board, aluminum bowl in the house and it took about an hour and a half to make. Sigh. But the fruit was really good. At least there was that.
Then everyone started arriving for Bible study. I lit a quick paper log in the fireplace (it’s nice even for the effect), Jeff got the coffee started, and I heard from my friend that there was a “lice incident” with her daughter – several girls from school all got it…including her. Oops. It brought back my own lice incidents from childhood. I was a repeat offender…or carrier…or victim…whatever. I remember that my parents discovered it once when we were up north…since we were quite a ways from a town they decided to go with the old fashioned remedy….wait for it…kerosene. Yes…they doused their small child with a can of kerosene. Imagine how nice that felt on a flea-bitten scalp! And massaged through my waist length hair. Good grief…there are camp fires up there! What if a stray spark had ventured near – my whole head would have exploded!!! And sometimes I doubt if I’M a good parent.
So, I involuntarily shuddered for a couple minutes and then it was on to more chatting and then to more serious topics.
Once everyone left and I got the place cleaned up and Jeff & I had finished watching Survivor (OK, it’s our one guilty pleasure…so sue us!) I decided that I missed my son. So, I went and pulled him out of bed (still sound asleep) and spent some time rocking him. He’s such a big boy! It’s a lot different rocking a 30+ pound toddler. But still so sweet. He just smacked his lips and sighed and snored and fidgeted and at one point broke into this huge smile.
And then some reading for me and off to bed. All in all a good day.
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